With the 1.9 release of tmux, the default-path option was removed. This broke my workflow since I prefer new windows to open at the root of the project I’m working on rather than whatever directory the current window has. For a while I was just careful to cd to the right place before starting a new sessions but it was annoying when I forgot, and I couldn’t use a key binding to open new sessions since they would be stuck with the same working directory as the current session.

I hacked around it by creating a new session with the appropriate path, renaming it to match, and shuffling windows over. The new session has a working directory from wherever it was run so it simulates what tmux set-option default-path "$PWD" used to do. Here’s the zsh function:

change_tmux_pwd() {
  local session_name=$(tmux display-message -p '#S')
  local tmp_session_name="${session_name}-old"
  tmux rename-session $tmp_session_name
  tmux new-session -s $session_name -d
  local has_renumber=$(tmux show-options -g | grep 'renumber-windows on')
  if [[ -z $has_renumber ]]; then
    tmux new-window -t $session_name:99
    tmux kill-window -t $session_name:0
  local win_id
  for win_id in $(tmux list-windows -F '#I'); do
    if [[ -z $has_renumber ]]; then
      tmux move-window -s $tmp_session_name:$win_id -t $session_name:$win_id
      tmux move-window -s $tmp_session_name:$win_id -t $session_name
  if [[ -z $has_renumber ]]; then
    tmux kill-window -t $session_name:99
    tmux kill-window -t $session_name:0
  tmux switch-client -t $session_name
alias here=change_tmux_pwd

There is some trickiness around getting the windows shuffled over with the same indexes, it needs to be handled differented depending on whether renumber_windows is turned on. I’m not sure if there is any other state that gets lost with the old session, but I typically only run this shortly after creating a session.